How To Series ... Building A Brass Bridge (Page #2)
The Stringers
The Stringers are quite easy to build. Due to their length, we will build them a little different to ensure that they are straight. The web of the Stringer is two half-etched pieces one half the length of the bridge. These pieces are bonded together to form the Stringer web with several layers of detail. In the middle of the bridge, the Stringer ends are staggered for strength. Begin by removing the Stringers from the kit and clean ALL tie remnants with a small file. Any remnants not removed will interfere with the structure.

Here, I have placed the two Stringer halves together and will keep them joined and aligned with the Vertical Web Stiffeners. The Stiffeners on the prototype keep the web of the Stringer from buckling under the load of the train. There will always be a Stiffener on both sides of the Stringer at the same location.

Here you see how easy it is to create the effect of the Stiffener and to keep the two Stringer halves together. The Stringer has a notch one half way through to the middle. The Stiffener also has a notch to the middle of it. Insert the Stiffener into the Stringer ensuring it is all the way in. Place all Stiffeners in the Stringer. When complete, carefully lay the Stringer on it's side.

We will now add the bottom Stringer CapStrips. These are marked SBCS1-12 and have slots etched in them. Notice the Stringers have tabs on both top and bottom for the CapStrips.

Again, carefully turn the Stringer so the bottom is up. The work surface will hold the Stiffeners in place while the Bottom CapStrips are added. Start with SBCS1 at the beveled Stringer end and align the Stringer halves to the tabs go into the slots of the CapStrip. Secure the middle tab/slot, then the other two. Continue until all bottom Capstrips have been added.

Lift the Stringer up and remove the Stiffeners from the Stringer. Up to this point, the CapStrips have only been secured at three points. Using care with either glue or solder, secure each bottom CapStrip to the Stringer over its full length.

Replace all Stiffeners back into the Stringer and secure them to the Stringer at the top.

Turn the Stringer so the top is up. Start with STCS1 at the beveled Stringer end and align the Stringer halves to the tabs go into the slots of the CapStrip. Secure the middle tab/slot, then the other two. Continue until all top Capstrips have been added. Lay the Stringer on it's side and secure each top CapStrip to the Stringer over its full length.



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